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Desert Rose Yorkies


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Please check back as we will be adding more!
If you have adopted a puppy from us and would
like to add your testimonial here, please email us!

A note to thank you so much for letting little Fred be part of our
family! Johnny has changed his name to Max. A family name. Little Max
immediately fit right in our home. The first evening he looked around
and he met our kitties..... He growled, woofed and gave them a loud
bark.... They decided right away they prefer not to bother him. LOL...
Day 1 he started using a potty pad about 75% of the time. He plays with
the pug. Alex the shitzu is still unsure and shy around him but he's
been the center of attention for over a year so he will get over it.
Little Max runs, jumps on the doggy beds, barks and watches the other 2
dogs so when they bark he looks around and so does he. He's just a joy!

You certainly do a wonderful job with these Yorkies. Hes' a
well-mannered well- adjusted little puppy who loves to be held, hugged
and loved and in return he gives back plenty of love and kisses. He has
a Vet appt at the end of this month for his puppy shot and check up.
Thanks again. Mary

She is so cute. We are counting the days until we get Violet. I know Miley is going to love her. We really want to thank you for our sweet Miley. She is so well socialized. She loves everyone and all dogs, including big ones. She is house broken and has slept thru the night for a long time. We absolutely LOVE her. Thank you for doing such an amazing job! We really cannot thank you enough for bringing such joy into our life.
Hi, I just thought I would send some of my pictures of Toby. I got him for Christmas 2 years ago. He is so fun! He loves to plat ball and he is so FAST AND SMART! He knows our routine and loves a routine. The pictures are from his 1st birthday party and his 2nd, with his cousins at the party. Lol We had lots of fun. His birthday cake was, pumpkin, peanut butter cake. No sugar of course. The butter frosting is mashed potatoes with plain yogurt. Looked yummy and tasted like mashed potatoes! Lol I guess I will have to send those pictures in the next email cause I think I can only send 4 at a time. Thank you for selling a quality puppy dog ❤🐕❤ Happy ❤ day! Lorelie Montgomery
We just wanted to thank you soo sooo much for our Lil Dusty we renamed him Sharky. He is super playful and so smart he was truly the best Christmas present From my husband to my boys and I. I'm so thankful we found your page and after looking for so long for another yorkie we finally found him with you. I also want to thank you for answering every single question we had on him and giving us advice on how to feed him. And I hope if anyone is looking for a yorkie they go to you. I will definitely recommend you to anyone I know looking because our Lil sharky is so healthy and smart. Thank you once again. Sincerely, Fabiola V.
Hi there! About 12 years ago we got our little boy from you. He's still doing pretty great! Best dog I've ever had. Here's a recent photo or two. That's all! Hope you're well :) Bryan

We love Desert Rose Yorkies! Georgia breeds the sweetest, gentlest, and cutest Yorkies! Georgia worked with our family to ensure we chose the perfect personality to join our home. In March 2017 we bought our little boy from her at 12 weeks old. Our hearts melted and we were forever sold on the Yorkie breed. In fact, my sister and niece loved him so much and they got a little boy from Georgia in July 2017. Fast forward to August 2018 and we wanted our sweet Yogi to have a little sister. There was no question that we would go back to Desert Rose Yorkies to get our new family member. Georgia once again worked with us to ensure that we got the right fit for our family. We chose a nine month old sweetie named "Nadine" and did we ever score!! She is adorable, gentle, sweet, and weighs in at a whopping 3.7 pounds! There is not a question that we selected the right breeder and without a doubt we are now a "crazy Yorkie family"! If you want an amazing dog, you have come to the right place!!
Dear Georgia, Couldn't be more happy my Cookie dog I acquired from Desert Rose Yorkies. Cookie is the ruler of the house and thinks she should be the keeper of the garden and also ovesees my calf operation. Although she missed her "mommy" (you) for the first couple weeks, she has now officially taken me as her number one human. Cookie has brightened my life and I couldn't have found a better dog anywhere. I appreciate the time on the phone with you about all the stupid questions I had about Yorkies nearly daily. Meeting halfway to get my Cookie dog to me also helped me more than you can realize with gas as high as it is now. I had serious doubts about getting a mature dog however I could tell immediately she had been loved and well cared for. Cookie is one of the blessings in my life I have received and just wanted to thank you again for allowing me the joy of owning this dog. Thanks Georgia for all your time and my Cookie dog. Sign me out as a new Yorkie dog mommy and proud of it.
Hi Georgia - I just wanted to let you know how happy i am with all 3 of my yorkies that i got from you over the last few months! I spent several months looking for just the right yorkies and was referred to you by a local breeder here in Delaware. I then spent several more months looking at your pups and other's and was continuously drawn to you and your Pups. Once I made the decision to go ahead a get another yorkie from you and spoke with you, I knew you were not "just" any breeder but someone who was truly compassionate and cared very much who would be receiving one (or in my case 3) of your Pups. Bailey, Barkley and now Bentley are the most loving yorkies!!! They bring such joy to our home! You should know that by all the emails & pics I have sent to over the last few months! Traveling almost 5k miles this past weekend to meet you in person and pick up Bentley should also be a testament to you and the pups you raise until they find their forever home! We both know how special a yorkie is and I hope after meeting me you will know that they will all be spoiled and well cared for just like I believe you do with them until they find their forever home! All the best to you and your pups! Have a great day!
Georgia, It was a pleasure meeting you and all the pups. Just wanted to give you an update on Uma (now renamed Zoe). She had a great trip home, never whimpered or cried. She's eating well, yogurt and dried/moist food, drinking water and doing her business without any problems. She played with the dogs, slept, ate and played again. We absolutely love her. She thinks our little bichon/yorkie is her daddy and wiggles all over him in excitement. I'll be sending pictures soon. The Colton's Sylvia & Dave=
3/11/2011 Hi Georgia, It's been a long time and just thought I'd send you a note. We adopted Gidget from you 5 years ago. You were in Salem at the time, and we are from Lake Oswego (I know you meet lots of people so don't know if you remember us!) We just love her, you can't imagine the joy she brings into our lives. She is perfect in every way . . . here's a photo of her. Today is her 5th birthday! Thanks again . . . 5 years later! Best, Barbie Ott
11/3/2010 Hello Georgia, I just wanted to let you know I met one of your beautiful puppies at the park last sunny weekend in Tigard OR. She is very happy, and the woman was so proud of her. What a lovely puppy and the owner is doing a wonderful job raising her. I am keeping your website in my favorites because when I am ready for a Yorkshire puppy, I hope to be able to purchase one of yours. I have a teacup poodle/shitzu mix that loves to do agility with me. I hope to retire in a few years and devote all my time to a new Yorkshire puppy. Anyway, I really wanted to just let you know, your hard work and care shows in the lovely baby you raised. Respectfully, Barb Junor
Harley is doing awesome!! He is so curious and such a good puppy. Sleeps all night Let me know he had to go this am so I took him out and he did a poo right away. He is so funny, he will take 1 kibble and run to the doggy bed, eat it and run back and do that until he has had his fill..hahaha He can go up the steps to the couch and the bed but not able to go down yet.. He is so stinking cute!! Waiting until 12 weeks to get one of these little ones makes such a HUGE difference. I am glad you do that He already owns the house..haha knows where I am and can find his way everywhere. He mostly lays with me on the couch, well he is always laying there if I am..hehe.. Thanks for another wonderful puppy!! Talk to you soon Hugs Karla
4/15/2010 Hi, Georgia ~ I don't know if you remember me, but my daughters and I bought Cooper (Paul) from you last summer....he's just a doll and is doing great. As you can see in the picture that I've attached, he's a funny little boy and has a great big personality. I'm writing because my mother, who is recently widowed, would very much love to have a Yorkie companion. I see that you currently have a little boy (Eric) listed, and I wondered if you could please tell me a bit more about him and if he's still available. Can you also tell me what you estimate his full-grown size to be, when he might be available to go to his new home, and because he would be for my mother who now needs to be careful of her spending, if his price is firm? I'd appreciate any info you can give me for her! Thanks so much, Georgia, and I'll look forward to hearing from you again! Kim ~

Hi Georgia- 
Just a quick hello to see how you and all of your beautiful puppies are doing. 
Gretzky is doing well. Can you believe he will be a year old on April 3rd? 
He is just gorgeous, his fur is luscious and he can be quirky at times. He is just 
trying to find himself out of the awkward puppy stage. 
Mitzi and Gretzky get along well. They play and wear each other out in about 10 minutes. 
Tongues hanging and ready for a nap. Mitzi loves to clean Gretzky's face and he let's her. 
Hope all is well with you and your family. I think of you often. 
Because of you we have our little Gretzky. 

Spanky is doing well. He lounged the whole way home. either on my lap or on the pillow between Frank and I. Bailey seems genuinely into ourcuriousand happy with the new baby. So far so good. Thank you for all you've done to bring this little joy into our lives. And thanks for all the goodies :-) We will look for our pic on your website.

Your paw pals,
Deborah and Frank Power

Bill and I really wanted you to know how much joy Zoie has brought to our lives. She
is so cute,loves to run and play, and loves to cuddle. She is eating great and growing
like a weed. We are so thankful to you for breeding and raising such a wonderful puppy
for us. She is already a big part of our family and it has only been two weeks.

Thank you,
Bill and Debbie

Hi Georgia,
I wanted to give you an update on “Nathen” and send you some photos. I picked him
up in late June. My boyfriend and I call him Reegan and I still use his full name
as Reegan Nathen. He is almost 9 months, and weighs about 4 lbs now. He is a
“mama’s boy” and has a wonderful personality, he is so fun. I couldn’t be happier
with him. We are in puppy training class right now and learning lots of tricks, to
sit and lay down. He is a fast learner and LOVES treats. He enjoys playing keep-away
and likes other dogs. He is my biggest fan and when I get home from work he is like a
kid at Christmas…EVERY DAY! I love him dearly and couldn’t imagine not having him.
Thank you so much for your help. I am so thankful!

Tammy Teichrow

Hi Georgia,
It's been a while since I've written, so I thought I would give you an update
on Keiki! She is WONDERFUL! She's healthy and happy and has finally put on a
little weight! She is pushing right at two pounds and she is 19 months old. She
is so loving and affectionate and follows me around everywhere I go. When we ride
in the car she lays right down on my lap and doesn't make a peep... when we fly
in an airplane it's the same way. I had her registered as a Therapy Companion
Service Animal because she improved my panic attacks tremendously by being so calm
and relaxing. Now she can go anywhere with me - she even has a service dog coat. :)

That's it, I just wanted to check in and let you know how
happy I am with her, and how perfect she turned out to be.

Thank you again for all of your help in the beginning. Keiki means the world to me.

I hope you are well,

Thank you, Georgia, we'll look forward to seeing the picture on your website! Cooper
is doing great -- eating and drinking well, and he even slept through the very first
night without so much as a whimper. We're excited to have him in our family, and we
love his gentle disposition and wonderful personality. Thank you so much!



Hi Georgia!
Sorry I didn't get a chance to get back to you sooner, Kiko and I have been having so much fun! He was really shy right off the plane, but he started to warm up to me as soon as we started to spend time together. We have so much fun together and he knows for sure now that he is my little guy. I have to say, he is amazing and so smart. He learned his name so quickly I was amazed. Within the first couple hours we would turn towards me when i would call his name. On top of that, when I started with the basic "sit" he picked up immediately. Potty training has been a breeze; even with the first pee, he made it on the pad! He's had just little accidents here and there only because he missed because of bad aim. Everyone around me falls in love as soon as they see him, as did I! I attached a couple pictures for you to see how great he is doing. I also had him seen by the vet on Wednesday as discussed. I can scan the health document or I can fax it. What would work better for you? I think scanning and emailing might be a cheaper way if that is ok? Well, thank you so much for my little man. He is definitely in a loving home where he is treated like a king!



Just wanted to let you know that David is great and spoiled in Maryland. He sleeps in our bed most of the day and goes everywhere with us. He is so quiet and well behaved. The only time he gets goofy is when he is at my soccer games. He tries to run onto the field the entire time unless my husband is holding him. He is constantly in my lap and will even sit there while I eat dinner and never lift his head to my plate. He his manners are perfect. Here are some pictures.

He has been to the vet 3 times and is in great health and is even well behaved at his grooming appointments. He has had three. At the first one the groomer said he hated everything and this last time she said he was a model client!


Henry is doing great! We are having a really good time with him. I usually leave for work around 8:30 in the morning and then come home at noon to let him out, stay with him for about an hour and then come home around 5. I think he mostly sleeps when I am not here and he seems to really like his crate. He sleeps in it at night and for the most part he sleeps through the night. Sometimes he wakes up to potty and we take him out, but then he runs right back into his crate to go back to sleep. He is so sweet. He doesn't bark and if we go outside in the yard to play or potty he won't wander more than 3 feet away from me. He was outside with us yesterday while were were raking up the fall leaves and he stayed right next to us. I attached a picture of him so that you could see how he is growing. I wear winter boots outside in the morning when we go out to potty. In this picture I took off the boots when I got inside and he climbed up onto them to take a nap. He is so cute!

Also, my vet called me today because someone here in Boise was looking for a yorkie to adopt. The vet called me to see where I had adopted Henry from because of all the yorkies that go to my vet, they think he is the most social and has the best personality! I agree. So I gave them your contact information to pass on to the interested adopter.

Take care,

Hi Georgia, This is Jennifer and Will who met you up at Pasco, Wa to pick up Jayden, son of Copper and Leia. Sorry for the late updates on Jayden. He is doing great. He knows how to sit, lay, hand shake, and stand up. And he is litter box trained! Jayden is such a smart yorkie. LOL. Love him to death. I take him everywhere once he got his 3rd set of shots! Everywhere he goes, people adore him! Here is some picture of Jayden to let you see how big he grew. Hope all is well with you and your pups? =)

Jennifer, Will, & Jayden

I truly am so happy!! I just am so moved by how beautiful they are...you should be so proud of these guys!!
Buddy is amazing he is so squared and dark.. i love how dark he is...and Bitzy is a little porcelain doll!
I will be watching your site and excited to see your future pups and how they look and how they grow.
I know i will buy again from you - shhh!! Its an addiction these yorkies...and i know once they have had their
3rd set of shots and i start going places people are going to say - oh my god i want a puppy just like yours!!

July 23, 2008

Allow me to take a moment to share my appreciation for Georgia and Desert Rose Yorkies. I am THRILLED to have found her as a breeder. I have been waiting for the right time to bring home a little dog for the last few years and about seven months ago I finally felt that it was the season to do so. I didn’t realize, however, that the search for the right puppy and breeder would be so difficult. I responded to countless ads online, in the paper, and searched through many websites. I encountered a surprising amount of fraud when searching on internet sites designed for posting ads, such as Domesticsale.com, where the alleged “owner” of the yorkie pups posted would ask you to send a money order to Africa and the puppy would be shipped to you. Apparently puppy fraud has been a large problem in Africa towards the United Sates for a number of years. I found a breeder here in Bend that I was thinking about purchasing a puppy from, but when I went to meet her at a near-by park I was shocked to see that the 6 week old puppies were playing in the grass! HORRIBLE! I felt very uncomfortable choosing to work with her after seeing her put her puppies at risk for Parvo!

I was so very thankful when I found Georgia’s website through Breeders.net. I emailed her and she quickly responded the same day with photos of the babies she had available and all about their little personalities. I called her later that day and we talked for an hour about her love for yorkies. She explained that all of her little ones slept on her bed with her every night, and I could tell that she was genuine and honest right from the beginning. At the time she had a litter of three pups by Copper and Leia, 2 boys and a girl. I chose to send her a deposit for the little girl at three weeks old. For the next 6 weeks Georgia was so faithful to send me pictures of her every few days (over 50 pictures all together!), and updates on how she was eating, how much she weighed, and how her little personality was evolving. We talked on the phone any time I had a question and Georgia would always take time to teach me everything I needed to know in preparation for bringing her home; she was always knowledgeable, informative, and kind.

Finally the day came to pick up my little girl and Georgia was so gracious to meet me half way, a 2 ½ hour drive for both of us. When Georgia and I met, she was everything I expected her to be, and my baby was even more beautiful than in her pictures. Georgia is very proud of the quality of dogs in her line, as she should be. She has some of the most beautiful yorkies I have ever seen. Georgia had me bring a cooler for puppy food, and she set me up with everything I needed: the shot record, contract, puppy blanket, and even her own bottle of Neutrical just in case we needed it because my girl was so tiny. I hugged her goodbye and we were on our way.

KeiKi, what I named her, is absolutely perfect. Her coat is immaculate, her bite is just right, and her little personality is hysterical. The first day she was home, she slept in her new little kennel through the whole night, without a peep. I have had her for one week and she already sleeps in my bed with me, right on my pillow next to my chin, or on top of my head! She seems very happy, and follows me all over the house. She is full of energy, and loves to give kisses. She is attentive and extremely personable in such a short amount of time. I could not be happier with my decision to use Georgia as a breeder, and I couldn’t be more thankful for my darling little Keiki.

If you are thinking about purchasing a puppy from Desert Rose Yorkies, I recommend that you do so with no reservation. I am confident that you will have a lovely experience just like I have.

Thank you again Georgia!!!

Annalisa & KeiKi

Leia and Coppers Andrew (Now Koda Bear) with his new Mommy.
This is her first puppy and she did the research
to find me and she is only 10 years old!!!

Recent email from them: Georgia – Things are going well. Koda is adjusting well, crate training is done (he no longer cries or gets stressed) and he now looks forward to sleeping in the crate and we are about 75% done with potty training (he is starting to go to the door on his own). We are getting ready to have a professional dog trainer come in and spend some time with us and our other dog.
From: N S Johnson

I gave him chicken this morning and he gobbled it up. He likes to take his dry food, one piece at a time, from his plate to the livingroom rug where people are sitting,and munch on it there. He cried at about 1 pm last night.  I waited until he wasn't crying, then took him out to go potty. My sister in law got up and watched him a little so I could go back to bed, and he slept for the rest of the night. Right now he's sitting on top of a large pillow, looking up at me like he's the king of the mountain.

I believe he's going to be the easiest to train dog I've ever had. He picks things up so quickly. In 2 days he's nearly house broken. What a delight he is. Thank you for offering him to us.

Update: Hi Georgia,Bugs is doing fine, is happy, and we can't imagine how we ever enjoyed ourselves without him. Here's a photo from a couple of weeks ago. I hope all is going well with you.

When I decided to adopted a Yorkshire terrier I researched for months on what to look for in a breeder. After searching the internet, newspapers, making dozens of phone calls and sending countless e-mails to locate an ethical breeder, I was fortunate enough to find Georgia and Desert Rose Yorkies on the internet. If you were to follow a “check list” of what to look for in a breeder and Yorkshire Terriers, Georgia and Desert Rose Yorkies have it all. My first phone call to Georgia we talked almost an hour about her breeding practices and love for Yorkies. We could hardly wait to see the puppies. We went to her home and we were delighted to find a happy, loving and very clean home. Georgia and her daughter Dianne have developed an awesome environment.

These Yorkies are loved and raised in a wonderful, family environment. We picked out a delightful little female Yorkie and began to wait the month until she would be ready for adoption. In that month Georgia kept in constant contact with us and sent photos at least once a week. She even updated us on our pup’s personality! She sent us information on how to prepare our home for our new puppy and I was extremely impressed with her knowledge. The Desert Rose web-site has almost everything you need to know about adopting one of these little terriers. I have never had a Yorkie before and was grateful for all of Georgia’s hands-on advice and web-site information.

We have now had our little Gidget home for 2 weeks and couldn’t be happier. Our veterinarian commented on what a strong little girl she is. She is so happy and loving (I believe her wonderful personality is largely due to such a good start in life). She follows us everywhere, slept through the night by the third night and is a wonderful companion. She has the prettiest little face and is so well-adjusted.

Thank-you Georgia for making this experience so awesome, it doesn’t get any better than this. We love our little Gidget. Please feel free to give my e-mail address to anyone who would like a recommendation from a very happy client.

Kindest Regards,
John and Barbie Ott

Hi Georgia! Just wanted to let you know how well our little Mia is getting along. She is such a smart little girl, and she and Yogi are getting along great! She eats like a little pig, and even though she is still pretty little, she thinks she is a Great Dane. She even has a spunky and sassy attitude.

We absolutely LOVE her. When she gets tired, she loves to snuggle up next to us or Yogi. And if Yogi is getting a little attention and not her, she starts to make a fuss.

She loves bouncing around in the back yard, and soaking up the nice warm sunshine. She absolutely loves having her little tummy rubbed. It's the cutest thing! She is a doll, and she is such a joy to watch and play with. Thanks for raising such wonderful little dogs.
I'll keep in touch.

Jenny Carter

We decided to change Foxie’s name to Fancy, we hope you don’t mind too much.

We took her to the vet today and she checked out real good, in fact she said she was a very well adjusted puppy for her age and was surprised when I said we had only had her for 2 days. I was very pleased with the vet and her knowledge of Yorkshires. She took extra time telling me what to watch for with the breed, some things you had shared and other things to look out for from a vets point of view.

Fancy is adjusting very, very good, it is almost like she has always lived here! I haven’t seen a dog adjust so fast to a new home. Our other dog, Little Bit, accepts her but isn’t sure that she likes it, that doesn’t bother Fancy at all.

Thank you for everything. We will be talking more later on.
Don & Carol

Hi Auntie Georgia,

It’s me, Tinkie! Well, I’m taking a minute between playing to tell you thanks for my new brother, Spike. Ooooh, just a minute, he just grabbed my chewie, so I gotta chase him down and get it back....whew, ok, I got it again...boy he’s fast, all I did was just set it down! Where was I? Oh yeah, talking about my visit there to see you.

My Mom and Dad told me we were going to your house to visit my Yorkie family, and to pick up my new brother Spike, but I didn’t really understand the last part. I really liked being in your home again. It is a nice, happy place for Yorkies. I was just getting ready to play with my aunties, uncles, and cousins when my Dad said, "Here’s Spikie!"

Geez, I didn’t know what to think when I saw Spike for the first time. He was so cute! But, he was sorta small dontcha think? Was I ever that small? Hmm, I don’t remember that. Well, he did smell nice, at least until the ride home. He got very car sick and puked all over everything! Yeah, it smelled TERRIBLE, but Mom washed him off when we got home, so he smelled nice again.

Anyway, Auntie Georgia, thank you for Spikie, I really like him. He’s a fun little brother, and almost as cute and special as I am. Maybe we can come back for a visit when Spikie is bigger, IF he promises not to puke on me! Spike and me wanna say that we love you, you are the best Yorkie lady ever, and thank you for helping us find our Mom and Dad--we are a VERY happy family.

Loves and Licks,
Tinkerbelle and Spike of the Misty Forest, proud owners of Diana and Emil

From: Rebecca Yale
11/17/2006 2:35:02 PM
To: Georgiaviolet26@aol.com
My husband and I were searching for a Yorkie for quite some time, when we came across Desert Rose Yorkies on the internet. Being skeptical of finding a breeder on the internet, we decided to take a weekend drive down to Oregon and check out Georgia Endsley and to also see her home and the quality of Yorkies she bred. After seeing many “puppy mills”, my husband and I were quite surprised and found it very refreshing as we entered Georgia’s home. It was quite obvious that Georgia loves and cares for each of her yorkies and puppies.

They were all well behaved and friendly. We saw first hand as Georgia would pick up each little puppy and tell us about each one. The week prior, we were up north of Seattle at a so called Breeder’s home. That woman was so overwhelmed by the amount of yorkies she had. There were about 15 puppies running around, and she didn’t have the quality of yorkies that Georgia did, as this "breeder" had so many, that she had no time to spend with any of them individually, and didn’t have any idea as to their individuality. Then, as that was not enough of a shock, this puppy mill breeder casually mentioned she had many more puppies in the garage. My husband and I looked at each other in horror as we realized that we stumbled onto a puppy mill.

All that to say, that when we arrived at Georgia’s the next weekend, we knew we found the right Breeder. Georgia has so much knowledge about yorkies and about each little puppy. She asked my husband and I many questions about our lifestyle and home. When we chose our little boy and took our baby Grissom home, we were well educated by Georgia about what to expect and etc. with our new baby. It was wonderful that we could call Georgia if we had any questions, and we found it very professional and "Grandma" like of her to call us after a few weeks to see how we were all doing.

Our yorkie, Grissom, goes everywhere with us. He conveniently rides in my husband’s Marine Bomber inside coat pocket with only his head and paws sticking out. We have had so many people comment on our yorkie and the quality of him and many asked where we got him. We have given Georgia’s name and contact information out so many times.

Now, that our Grissom is over a year old, we have decided to add another yorkie to the family. We knew that we would get our second yorkie from only Georgia. It took some time, but we finally found the perfect female, and have now added Sidel to our home. When Georgia carefully handed me Sidel, she told me, "This one has the sweet spirit" And she does.

We have no reservations about Georgia/Desert Rose Yorkies. I would recommend her every time if you are looking for a yorkie. If you chose to buy a yorkie from Georgia/Desert Rose Yorkies, you will find that not only will you have made a wise decision, but you will be blessed by the quality of the dog and the friendship you will always have with Georgia.

Keith and Rebecca Yale
Grissom and Sidel

I am so happy that I found you (Georgia) as a breeder. There are so many breeders out there that you can't trust, that just want to make money and don't care about healthy pups. You were so good about sending me pictures and staying in touch while I waited to get Elvis! The vet said that he has a very healthy heart and set of lungs. He is so active and a very happy puppy.

I am so happy that I finally got the Yorkie pup that I have been waiting so long for. I recommend you to friends and strangers that ask about my little Elvis all the time. You can be sure that I will be back for another pup one of these days. Thanks for everything, you are wonderful!

Linzi Stolsig

I just wanted to tell you I am so pleased with oliver. He is gorgeous, what kind of shampoo do you use on him and I love how he holds up his tail, He is also very loving, Thank you so much for him, I might purchase a female from you in future so when you move make sure you give me your address, though your website will probley stay the same, Oliver looks like a show dog to me, I love him, He is running around with a toy in his mouth playing now, well I will talk to you later, Debra Cole

Duplication of any part of this website without permission is prohibited.
Copyright © 2005 Desert Rose Yorkies
Website designed and created by Wendy Nicholson.
We reserve the right to add, change, delete any
part of this website at anytime without notice!
websites by Wendy